Choose the best original houseplant for a breath of freshness at home

Apartments in Lahore

The cold days are already here, so we quickly start looking for original ways to make our habitat more cocooning and pleasant to live in. Because finally, during the coming months, it is indoors that we will spend most of our free time. One of the most spectacular ways to refresh our decoration and give it a zen touch is to arrange plants. A superb decoration tip that will also allow us to keep the link with the outside. This article is here to inspire you to dress your home with natural touches of green and try to find an original and immortal houseplant. We, therefore, offer you a top 6 that will encourage you to rush to the nearest florist. If you need to get well mastermind and beautified rooms get Luxurious Lifestyle Apartments.

Tillandsias - the plant that floats in the air

Like pineapple, these plants that we have become accustomed to calling airplanes or, in French, "daughters of the air" belong to the Bromeliad family. Perennial with evergreen foliage, tillandsias owe their name to their ability to hang on everywhere - rocks, tree branches, telephone wires, etc.- and grow without soil, hence their airy and floating character. Indoors, they are especially prized as moisture-wicking plants, and their beauty reaches its peak during spring and summer when the plant is covered with beautiful colorful flowers. Initially from the American continent and, more precisely, its southern and central part, the daughters of the air will need a lot of light and humidity to live indoors. So remember to bring them closer to their natural condition, driftwood or slate. And that is a beautiful floral decoration for your Zen-style living room!

Senecio rowleyanus - the plant-jewel

The pearl necklace plant, this is how we call this very charming native of South Africa, and it is its tiny pearl-shaped leaves, scattered on drooping green stems, that make us crack. A creeping plant of the succulent family, Senecio rowleyanus is also very easy to grow and therefore very difficult to kill. It's straightforward. She likes to bathe in the rays of the sun, planted in a soil of well-drained cacti. But, on the other hand, its watering must be regular, while not forgetting to reduce the frequency of this one too once a month during the winter. It is not by chance that this plant wears its pearls with dignity. These contain water reserves. Yes, nothing serious then if you delay watering for a few days!

Aloe vera - since we love succulents.

The cosmetics industry is crazy about it, but not only today, but this succulent plant is also becoming an increasingly popular choice for an indoor green touch. The good news is that it is relatively difficult to kill and too original. Much like the pearl necklace plant, aloe uses its long, pointed leaves to store water, requiring minimal watering and watering just once a week. Highly depolluting, this succulent is also appreciated for its ability to fight against the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves. Thus, placing the plant near a device that emits it is strongly recommended. A miraculous remedy for burns, the aloe gel contained in its leaves could also relieve your pain in an emergency and if you happen not to have anti-scalding ointment at home. It is enough to cut a sheet with scissors to recover the panacea gel. Finally, note that aloe loves sunbathing, so consider installing it near a window without exposing it to direct sunlight.

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Monstera Deliciosa - bring the jungle spirit into your home.

In recent years, the dream of adventure and exoticism has given a whole new aspiration to our interiors with the "urban jungle" decorative style created to re-establish the broken link with nature and its riches. A plant with monstrously large, beautiful, and very well-cut leaves turned out to be at the center of this decorative evolution - the monstera. The flower that transports us to paradisiacal lands brings the necessary green touch to every interior. Here again, the good news is that you don't have to have a green thumb to grow monstera at home. You have to choose a reasonably sunny location without direct contact with the sun, a good mixture of soil and drained potting soil, and weekly watering. Also, be sure to spray its leaves with water to remove dust and moisten the plant. Let's not forget that this is again a plant from South America that likes humid environments. Then, do not hesitate to prune its leaves to limit its rapid growth. Annual repotting would also help, as its roots develop pretty quickly. And at the end of the day, an interesting fact - the monstera is so loved that this ailment has even evolved into a whole new decor trend inspired by it. So, don't be surprised to see pieces of art, printed fabrics, and even wallpapers that exploit this beautiful motif. Do not hesitate to prune its leaves to limit its rapid growth. Annual repotting would also help, as its roots develop pretty quickly. And at the end of the day, an interesting fact - the monstera is so loved that this ailment has even evolved into a whole new decor trend inspired by it. So, don't be surprised to see pieces of art, printed fabrics, and even wallpapers that exploit this beautiful motif. Do not hesitate to prune its leaves to limit its rapid growth.

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The focus elastic or rubber tree - the green giant

Another plant loved by lovers of the jungle style at home, the focus Elastica would add a tropical note to your interior. It is undoubtedly its ornamental charm which makes it so popular lately but not only. Easy going, this plant is a perfect gift for that friend of yours who doesn't have a green thumb. It is greedy for light but without requiring direct exposure. Waterside, watering once a week is sufficient, but the focus is even less stingy in summer. Similar to the sansevière, it would have to sanitize and purify properties about the ambient indoor air. With its slender size that can reach up to 3m indoors, the rubber tree is perfect for creating a green focal point in the room.



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