How to recover a marble table with blisters?


luxury apartments in Lahore

A fashionable material but not always easy to maintain.

Beautiful smooth and flat surface, the marble surface of a table can be damaged. It is an unfortunate blow from ironing on a simple towel, but also wear and tear, and it is the varnish that begins to crack or blister. So as soon as the harm is done, how do you repair it?

Marble is a complex material to repair.

It is not so simple; it is expensive and sometimes without a guarantee of results. Marble, in its raw state, is a pebble. Traditionally, this stone is polished by a stonemason to obtain this shiny appearance.

In case of wear or accident of the varnish, the only solution is to take the table to a marble worker who will completely sand the table. And it is not without risks: the marble can break during this operation, and it is also possible that once filled, the marble is in too bad a condition to be recovered. Suffice it to mention that there's no assure that the desk may be retrieved, now no longer to say that there's no intervention from a marble worker.

An unusual way to have a brilliant appearance.

The other way to get this rendering without going through a marble mason is quite unusual. It is about passing a varnish-like the varnish of a car. It is a less complicated and, above all, less expensive technique. You can find body varnishes in specialized stores. This varnish is usually presented in the form of a spray. If you need to get well mastermind and beautified rooms get luxury apartments in Lahore. 

How to maintain marble daily?

Marble is a porous material. Over time, dirt becomes embedded in it. There are several solutions to clean marble and restore its shine daily. In addition to the stain removers and cleaning chemicals found in DIY stores, there are many more natural solutions.

One thing is important to remember: marble, being porous, does not like water very much. So be sure to dry the marble after applying these products to avoid streaks. You can use a microfiber cloth for this.

Black soap or Marseille soap

In a small bowl of hot water, pour black soap or liquid Marseille soap. Clean the marble surface with a sponge, taking care not to use the abrasive side. Dry the marble with a soft, dry cloth.


Baking soda + olive oil

Dilute the baking soda with olive oil. Moisten this mixture on a soft cloth and rub it over your marble surface in circular motions.

Bee wax

Beeswax is easily found at organic or DIY stores. After cleaning your marble, apply one or more coats of colorless beeswax to the surface with a soft cloth. Beeswax is often used to polish characters.

Flax oil

Linseed oil is a vegetable oil that is used to polish marble. First, apply a few drops to a soft, dry cloth. Then, Polish the surface by wiping the cloth soaked in linseed oil while the marble is sticky.


Take a little tour of your kitchen one more time to pick up a bottle of sparkling water. Prepare a marble solution by adding two tablespoons of claystone powder to a bowl of sparkling mineral water. Spread this aggregate over the marble floor, taking care to make round movements.

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