Find your living style and furnishing style: tips and ideas.

luxury apartments in Lahore

The question of your furnishing style worries every furnishing fan. Do you prefer to be minimalistic? With a Scandinavian design, romantically playful with shabby chic furniture or rustic in a country house style? Is the vintage style the right one, or do you prefer to bring the sea into the house with nautical decoration? In general, style is always very personal: Our home reflects our life situation, preferences and needs and shows what we like, who we love and who we are. As a result, things either like or don't like, and very few people commit themselves entirely to a single style - in most of the apartments shown, there is a harmonious mix of styles with influences from many eras and worldwide. Tip: Union Complex is the best spot for purchasing luxury apartments in Lahore.

Look around! – A status analysis

What do I like anyway? Answering this query is regularly now no longer that easy. It helps to take a closer look at the things surrounding you: what's in the closet, for example? If you collect your favourite pieces, your preferences for patterns, colours and shapes become clear. Your style is also evident in other favourite pieces such as vases, cushions or works of art.

Dwell in words!

Words bring diffuse ideas to the point. That's why it can help express how you like to live in words. A keyword cloud helps: A rough guideline for your style of living emerges by circling the appealing words.

Find your feel-good colours!

Hardly anything influences the mood and effect of rooms as much as colours. Everyone feels differently and needs different colours to feel good. You can achieve specific effects with textiles, furniture, wall, and floor colours. The colour palette and parquet pattern offer a good overview, and you can pick out the colours you like best.

Collect ideas!

All ideas are allowed on the furnishing style search. So you can start collecting intuitively. Magazine snippets from fashion, art, living worlds, photos or other found objects such as fabrics or flyers provide material. The Internet also offers an almost inexhaustible source of inspiration, for example, on blogs or in the lookbooks of your favourite manufacturers.

Get creative!

The best way to visualize your style of living is with the help of a collage. You can arrange your ideas thematically or put them together on a pinboard (you can also do this on the computer with the right program).

A concrete picture of one's preferences quickly emerges from the personal collage: favourite colours, materials, patterns, techniques and inspirations are put together like a reflection of one's own (living) style. You can use the collage again and again as a guide for your interior design, although you must not forget that finding a style is an ongoing process that takes time. There are also living trends, they come and go, but at some point, everyone will find out what essentially defines their furnishing style. If you need to get well mastermind and beautified rooms get luxury apartments in Lahore. 

Home design

Here you will also find the most beautiful ideas on home design. Above all, a look at the living cultures of different countries worldwide reveals the most diverse facets of living design and inspires new furnishing ideas - join us on our little trip around the world through furnishing styles of other countries! Numerous styles and influences determine home design, and that is why it is essential to find your style and individual home design.


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