Decorative neon: a timeless trend to incorporate into your interior

Apartments in Lahore

Today, our interest stops on decorative neon. This is a timeless trend that dates back to the 20s of the previous century. Neon light was initially used for scientific reasons. But very early (in 1923), it was introduced into decoration by the physicist Georges Claude. The latter sells two neon signs to an American company, and it can be considered that this is the moment that marks the beginning of their popularity. After that, neon signs become a symbol of big cities and their lively nighttime glow. Now, decorative neon is also part of the interior of our homes, and we love it! If you need to get well mastermind and beautified rooms get luxury apartments in Lahore

Why opt for a decorative neon

The neon deco is characterized above all by its liveliness. It is a medium that allows you to feel the presence of art in your room truly. In addition, it constitutes a work that brings futurism and nostalgia simultaneously, which gives it a timeless value for each type of decoration. Durability is another advantage for which we appreciate the decorative neon. On average, neon signs last up to 10 to 15 years. Thus, it is a considerable saving compared to ordinary lights. Of course, it should be mentioned that neon signs also do not give off any heat, which could be beneficial for green plants and furniture around. In addition, there is no risk of short circuit or burnout.

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Decorative neon - who is it for?

Neon lighting is an example of interior design that is evolving and breaking the rules. What was once a cheesy tool is now used effectively to express the owners' personality with subtlety and elegance. In a traditional context, neon is used for advertising or drawing attention to a brand or place. But, respectively, the decorative neon plays the role of a personal mark that brings this feeling into the interior design. So this type of decoration is very suitable for all those who have a strong personality and are not afraid to show it.

What type of decorative neon to choose

Now that people feel free to play with neon, we discover a fairyland of subtle shades, elegant lines, and works of art. Likewise, the style of typography varies and becomes more and more sophisticated. However, when choosing the color of its illuminated sign, we must not forget that if we want this element to have a substantial impact, it is advisable to favor the colors that stand out. The greatest asset of this type of decoration is the freedom to create your design. Otherwise, you can always go for a ready-made template, and even if you don't like the idea of ​​a wall-mounted neon, you can incorporate it into your interior in the form of a neon light.

Where can we place the decorative neon?

We recommend that you use neon in unexpected places such as the bathroom or above a door. Another variation is where your sign will provoke discussions - above the sofa in the living room, for example. Also, don't forget to be creative with the location by performing the lettering vertically or horizontally. For maximum effect, give your neon illustration space or incorporate it into a collage illustration if you are looking for a more subtle result. Finally, always remember to paint the wiring so that your cord blends in with the wall. Union Complex provides the best Luxurious Lifestyle Apartments.



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