Bathroom trend 2022 - 10 design and decoration ideas that will continue to seduce

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A month and a half before the arrival of the New Year, we turn our eyes to the most promising interior design fashions. That is to say that we are again looking for exciting designs that will undoubtedly continue for the year to come. After the living room decoration and the top bedrooms, it is the room's turn devoted to personal hygiene. If you need to get well mastermind and beautified rooms get union luxury apartments in Lahore. 

What will be the bathroom trend in 2022? Ten must-have modes

Before listing the best fittings and decorations for the water feature, we should open a parenthesis to justify our choice. The criteria that we have taken into account are utility and comfort, visual appeal and overall inventiveness. Some designs are already known, others are brand new, but they are all old and new, most likely to continue their upward momentum in 2022 and beyond. So let's see what we have in mind in practice through the inspirational photo gallery to follow!

The fusion between interior and exterior is all the rage.

Blurring the lines between interior and exterior isn't a brand new concept, no matter what room. However, the bathroom trend 2022 develops this organic idea and adapts it to small or large spaces, modest or exclusive, ultramodern or bohemian. Logically, the best scenario to make this trend work is to have a relatively spacious body of water where the architecture of the building allows you to opt for panoramic windows.

Evoking Nature is possible in any bathroom!

Okay, you can try a few practical tips to make your space as exclusive as an architect's house! If, for example, your bathroom only has a small window, the first step to take (when possible) is to strip it down. This will optimize the amount of natural light entering the interior by increasing its volume and bringing it closer to the exterior.

When undressing bay windows is not feasible (or when it is not available), other tricky techniques are resorted to. Did you know that several ferns and air plants, certain orchid species, dumb canes (Dieffenbachia) and bamboo, among others, feel very comfortable as bathroom plants? Provide them with one or more light sources, and these plants will thank you with a trendy 2022 bathroom at the top!

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When the natural panorama, skylights and green plants cannot be taken advantage of in your home for one reason or another, know that you can always resort to the old "deception" of natural wood. Indeed, thanks to its organic nobility and its warm appearance, this material will never go out of fashion, and so much the better! Also, it can look minimalist, replicate the rustic style, or take on any other look you can imagine, depending on the rest of the decor.

2-in-1 layout with shower and bathtub

Here is a magnificent bathroom that in itself combines several 2022 trends that are essential. First, we have Nature's spectacular backdrop, but we also observe the generous use of natural wood. The result? An upscale mountain chalet where the water corner with shower and bathtub is an integral part of the forest and the interior on the other!

The 2-in-1 shower and tub layout is another big 2022 trend that you can successfully adapt to your unique home situation. The truth is that even a tiny bathroom can afford a bathtub as long as its design is well thought out in advance and every square inch is put to the best possible use.

Symmetry in the bathroom trend 2022

Then we have another bathroom trend, 2022, proving to be in the wind in more than one respect. The new white background and the bay fitted with frosted glass, the green plants and the utterly fabulous oval freestanding tub. These are just a few of the trendy accents you should not miss. However, what matters most is the symmetrical arrangement with practical and aesthetic twin showers simultaneously.

Of course, when the bathroom is in the attic, the symmetrical arrangement of its elements is only logical. But you can also pick up the idea in question and translate it into the language of your unique interior. How about a pair of countertop washbasins in red-tinted transparent glass? It's attractive, and it's handy.



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